July 20, 2009

Team Australia

This is team Australia as I like to call them. You have Anni on the right and Katie on the left. You know, they sure thought they were being smooth brushing up on Africa. But if you can see the book, it almost looks like they have that Chinese thing going on. Only, they do not read books backwards, they read them upside down. Brings a whole new meaning to, "downunder." Haha. They are just messing with everyone. Our group is really glad to have them. They bring another element to our team and what we are doing here in Africa. Now anni Has been twice before. This is her third time. Team Australia has been in Africa for the past 6 weeks. So they really are doing alot for Africa. This is really going to be a great trip. With their team grouped up with our team, we are more like team extreme. 

1 comment:

  1. You will both be great additions to the group! Please keep an eye on them!
