July 21, 2009


WOW! Kenya is an experience! Beautiful people with people smiles and warm hearts. Today was my first day at Mercy Care and it was eye opening. There's so much to be done in this world and I wish I could do it all. The children were so friendly and seemed so happy to see new faces. Immediately upon entering the school, we were greeted by eager children all asking, “How are you?” I wish that I knew more Kiswahili so that I could communicate better but a smile goes a long way. The classrooms are unimaginably small and filled to the brim with well behaved students eager to learn. After wandering through the classrooms, we all gathered to watch a performance fit for royalty; beautiful singing, dancing, and even a rap performance.

I also was able to present the class gift to Patrick from those students who participated in raising monies during the African Bazaar. Because of your donations, the choir will be able to compete in nationals which they won last year. After presenting the check, Patrick informed the students they would be able to travel to nationals which resulted in loud applause and joyous screams! Many thanks to all the students at Nysmith for all your support and to Rosette; without you I would not be in Africa! A special thanks to Nora, Joan, and Terry for your donations and support. Through your fundraising we were able to bring over a Science Lab Kit (included eye droppers, magnifying lenses, microscopes, slides, magnets etc) and individual kits that included activities related to Nutrition, Weather, Plants, Social Studies etc. I cannot wait to put them to use! I will write more tomorrow and hopefully be able to share all my wonderful pictures. And lastly, thank you Carroll and Wayne for this life changing opportunity!


  1. What an awesome opportunity the the Nysmith class offered to these children of MCC. The choir experiences are some of the best memories these children will have. Their gift will last a lifetime in the children's minds and hearts! Thank you so much for your hard work!

  2. Maria

    We are all so proud of you. The memories of being in Africa and at MCC will last a lifetime. See you soon.
    All our Love, Susan, Lorraine, Jim & Aunt Marie
