July 23, 2009

Comments from Carroll

Well, we started our clinics today with 3 nurses, and all of the rest of us. We treated over 200 kids today. We had some really sick children- one girl was extremely sick with malaria that had turned to black water fever. Her temperature was very high but after treating her all day it went down to 97.1. Please keep her in your prayers. Her name is Elan. All of the street children had very bad scabies. The carpenter took a break from making desks to make us a bed and it was really needed. Tonight for dinner we went to the Indian restauarant. It was Mark's birthday and we


  1. Dear Carroll and Wayne,
    It's 7:15 in the Burg and I am thinking about you and wondering where you are and what you are doing. I printed out your most recent posting with pictures and will put it on the bulletin board. It sounds like you had a VERY busy day with your clinic. I will add Elan to my prayer list for this trip. I hope that the Indian restaurant evening was fun. I bet that is the same restaurant that you took Carol to when she made her trip to Mercy Care.
    I haven't heard from Tracy and the youth mission team, but I left a message on her voice mail. "No news is good news." They are to return tomorrow afternoon/evening.
    Just wanted you to know that you are daily in our thoughts,
    Steve and your Peakland Family

  2. Carroll, Wayne and group,

    So glad you all made it safely and are well on your way to fabulous trip. We are thinking of you and are following along with your progress.

    See you when you return, Leanne

  3. Know we are praying.......from what I'm reading you are fighting traffic and heat. WHAT A TROUPE!!!
    I know the children are so glad you are there.
    Carol B.
