July 23, 2009

Maria-Theresa Dragg

Today was eye opening. There are so many things that need to be done. Me Carroll, Caroline, Kate, Anni, and Wayne were all working feverishly to help assess all the children. When I was in nursing school I would often read about scabies and impetigo but was often told by my professors that those diagnoses were cases that I would most likely not experience; boy were they wrong! The first 98 students all seemed to be afflicted by scabies and I saw the worst case of staph.  At one point I had to excuse myself as the little boy that I was evaluating was so brave when I was cleaning his wound which I knew had to be painful. After the morning shift we ate a beautiful lunch on ugali and  that seemed like collard greens. In the afternoon we saw another group of children and by the end of the day we had seen 200 kids total. 
On a more uplifting note, I thought it would be cool for the biology kids to dissect a pig. I asked Patrick if we could somehow find a pig so hopefully we can find a pig by Friday so that the kids can actually perform a dissection as opposed to writing it out as though they had completed the lab. I cannot wait for tomorrow!


  1. Maria-Theresa,
    My husband Charley was so excited when I read to him that you might do a pig dissection. The children are truly blessed to have you there and will cherish the time you spend with them. The clinic can be a hard experience, but how the children behave (even in pain) shows how much they appreciate it! Thank you for working so hard to make a difference in the lives of these children.

  2. Maria,

    You always were the "teacher". And of course you're already a nurse, so I know that everyone is in good hands! They have YOU!


  3. Maria Theresa,
    You always loved to dissect ha ha ha I remember that from Catholic University. Stay safe our prayer are with you always. Love & God Bless Michelle
