July 18, 2009

Jane Daugherty

I have done quite a bit of traveling all around the world, but I truly think this trip is going to be the trip of a lifetime! I am very much looking forward to being at MCC as I know I will have many tales to tell when I return. I currently am Principal at St. Martin's Lutheran school in Annapolis, and all my students, staff and parents are looking forward to learning more about the children of Kenya.

I am also Director of Music at Trinity United Methodist Church in Annapolis. Our congregation sends much love and many prayers for a successful three weeks abroad. I feel very fortunate and blessed to be part of this journey.


  1. Hey there.. How was the crazy long flight? Are you there? The doggies are having a role reversal.. Sadie is all joyful; prancing around everywhere.. coming over for regular petting.. and Skipper is the sad mopey one.. I had to follow him into your room to get him to take his peanut butter "treat".. They are absolutely fine though.. no worries on this side of the world..


  2. Hi Jane,
    Hope you are safe and flight was not too tireing. This is from you high school locket mate - I have high respect for what you are doing there. Looking forward to hearing many stories when you get home of your trip. Lov u

  3. Hi, Jane
    Hope you had a restful trip. I just got my oven fixed, so you will be happy about that. Mickey just bought a boat project and Gary Alton stopped by to visit. Busy morning. Take care and I'll keep you posted.

  4. Jane,
    Just saw a news item about some folks who were on safari. They had one of those containers for luggage on top of their car. The baboons broke it open and scattered all their clothes. Watch out!

  5. Hi Ms. Daugherty!
    Its julie. Mrs. Robinson gave me the adress to the blog. How is Afrika? All is well in Annapolis. Although it has been rather warm and humid. Whats the weather like in Afrika?

    Julie Nolker
    ps. heres my email adress

  6. Well, Jane,
    The garden's producing like crazy. Pat and Carol arrive on Wed and the B&B is open once again.

    Haven't been out to breakfast in a l o n g time.


  7. Hi Jane,
    Can't wait to hear all of your travel talks about this one. Sending you all good thoughts for a safe and meaningful trip. :-) xoxo, Jo & I.H.

  8. This is my 9th attempt to post a comment so here goes. Obie's mom has tried unsuccessfully to help me. Sunday at condo brunch, I met two people who said to tell you hello and wish you well: Diane who teaches middle school soc. st. and Penny who played the piano while a number of us "tried" to sing. I'm enjoying following the blog and look forward each day to a new posting & pictures. I think Obie's mom is an alarmist about the baboons, unless they are carnivores, then I guess you better worry. Lots of laughs at breakfast this morning with Susan B.'s copy of a 40 year old Falmouth newspaper in which she and her sorors were featured, and it wasn't the police beat section. Oh yes, we talked about you plenty. Hugs and misses from all of us, jeanne
