July 22, 2009

Aaron here.

I know, I know. Some of you might be thinking to yourself. This kid writes most of the blogs and than makes his own postings. Well, I did not want the group part of the blog to be all about me. So I have to make my own entries. I hope you are all alright with that. I had to take a picture of a few students from the secondary school. I had a chance to teach a little bit of chemistry to the secondary students. Most of the kids in my class were around 16. They were really a great class. I found out like an hour before the class that they wanted me to teach a few things about electronegativity through aqueous solutions. I went over balancing equations, as well as, the periodic table. The kids already knew most of it. They are very bright. I am certain that there is a few kids from this class that is ready to take the world by storm. They just need a chance to shine. I was told I was to talk for about 45 minutes. I was thinking that is pretty long for a man who has never taught before. I ended up talking in the class for nearly two hours. Now, Not all of that time was all about chemistry. Alot of the kids wanted to know things about the United States and college. So it was really a great experience to be able to tell them about our culture. I got a chance to learn a little bit about theirs as well. I thought I did a horrible job of teaching, because I was not really that prepared for it. But they asked me to come bak and teach more tomorrow. I was surprised, because after 45 minutes or so, the teacher took off. I was like man, "Am I that bad"? But than I figured out that it was their lunch time. The kids were to study and head to lunch. Not much studying got done, thanks to me. My fault Patrick! But it was still a great learning experience for the kids and myself. 

Hope everyone's time in the United States is going as good as mine. Take care!

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