July 29, 2009

Jane D.

Finally, a note from Jane! Apologies to those of you who have been looking for news from me. As you might expect, I have been having my own set of issues with the blog and the computer, but tonight I will try yet one more time. I'll do my best to bring you up to date . . .
First I should report that we all are well. There are 14 of us on this trip, and you may have heard that there is currently rioting in the streets of Nairobi, which is the result of an incident today in the city. We were told not to go out tonight because it is not safe. One of our vans was rerouted this afternoon on the way back to the guest house from the school, and things just got worse from there. So the good news is we will have our first evening without responsibilities, and we may be able to get a really good night's rest. The traffic in Nairobi is worse than ANYwhere I have ever seen, and while we are housed not far from the school, it usually takes us over an hour to get there because of the rush hour traffic. Also, it appears as if there are no driving regulations of any sort. Fortunately we have some very savvy drivers who weave in and out of this unbelievable traffic with remarkable ease.
For those of you who were worried about my getting sick -- well, it appears you were right! I visited a "doctor" when we were on safari over the weekend. I received a penicillin shot in my butt and three other meds - (Yes, the needle was clean!) -- and I appear to be on the road to recovery. No worries, but I will have some good stories . . .
The experience at Mercy School is extraordinary. My traveling companions are are interesting and fascinating folks, each with unique gifts and talents. I'm not quite the oldest, but almost! I hope you have time to read their blog entries as there are some very interesting and detailed stories about our experiences so far. I won't repeat, but I will certainly expound when I return home. Plus I hope you are enjoying the photographs. Many that are on the blog were seen through my eyes, but all of us are taking pictures like crazy!
Julie, you asked about the weather. Interestingly enough, it is not all that hot, maybe low 80s. In fact, we didn't even see the sun for the first 4 or 5 days, but the pollution here is sooooo bad, that the sun is shielded from its own rays. However, it is unbearably hot in the crowded classrooms at the school, but the kids and staff never complain -- only us visitors! :-)
The time is going quickly as we are fast approaching the end of our second week. With the exception of the safari weekend, virtually all of our time has been spent at or about the school. We are all feeling quite exhausted by this time, but the needs here are so great that you feel as if you could never do enough. There has been nothing in my life that could have prepared me for what I have seen and experienced thus far. Mercy Care Centre is an amazing, amazing place, plopped right in the center of the worst slums in Africa. It will be impossible to view the world in the same way when I return as when I left.
I will confess, I am not crazy about African food, so I will look forward to a good pizza from Chris' Charcoal Pit . . .!
All is well here, so don't worry. We are sharing lots of laughter, even amidst all this poverty. I will indeed have tales to tell upon my return. My Kindle has been a good companion for late night reading, and that has been a real blessing.
I probably will not write many times on the blog, but I hope you will continue to read the postings from my new friends. I'll save my stories for later, in person. Please continue to post notes if time permits - It is always nice to hear from all of you. Love to you all, including Skipper and Sadie! :-)

1 comment:

  1. It was good to finally hear from and about you.
    The photos are beautiful; breakfast crowd can't wait to get more details upon your return. Stay well and safe.
