July 24, 2009

The teachers dinner

We just finished our teachers dinner and arrived back at the guest house. Man, what a night. I really had the greatest time. I did not enjoy the traffic to get there, but I think many of you are starting to really get the picture that Nairobi might have the worst traffic in the world. But man, the time we had at dinner with all the teachers put the traffic out of our mind. Now this restaurant was an open restaurant. We had this huge long table with a little tin roof over our head. The rest of it is all open to the outdoors. We had a super long table as you can see. It was Carroll's idea that there was one person from our group next to two staff members. I was a little hesitant at first. It was such a great idea. We went down the table and had to get up and tell everyone about the people who sit to the left and to the right of us. I actually had three people to introduce. But I would of had it no other way now. I went from only knowing a couple teachers, to knowing nearly all of them, because of this dinner. I am looking forward to returning to the school and greeting them by their name. 

These teachers are really great people. Seeing the area that the school comes from, I am still blown away by the intelligence of these teachers. They are spectacular people. There seems to be so much joy in them. I know we as Americans complain about the little things that are wrong in our life. You have to see what these people go through. Somehow, they still seem to have a better overall attitude about life. 

Well everyone, I really hope that everyone is enjoying the blogs I am putting up. I really wish I had more time to sit on the computer and update you on everything that is going on. Unfortunately, there is not enough time in the day. This will most likely be the last blog before we had to the Masa Mara in the morning. So check back on monday for some updates. I will put up a few pictures before I leave. I also need to track some people down and get some photos from them. I am still a little short on photos from working the clinic. 

Thanks zack. That actually cut my uploading time down alot. It still takes me a few minutes to upload one photo, but Rome wasn't built in a day either. 

Oh! I had to mention our blogs from last night. I read them this morning and found it very funny that nearly every blog mentioned the same stuff. That is only because all of our hearts were touched by many of the same things or the same events that took place. So sorry about that. Also, I saw that we had some posts for the girl who had blackwater fever. Some had a temperature of 102 and another had 104. The temperature was around 102. There was someone in the clinic who threw 104 out there and that was heard by one. So a little mix up. No big deal thou Caroline, medicine woman. Haha. 104 would not be moving much, 105 is brain dead, and I think you can guess what 106 will do to ya. 

Well everyone, we will catch back up with all of you on monday. So everyone take care and have a good time. I know we will! 


  1. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your dinner. Thanks for the daily update and blogs it's nice to see how things are progressing.God Bless all of you and your charitble deeds, you really are special people. Enjoy the Safari I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun.


  2. The dinner with the teachers is such a treat for all! It is a great evening. You get to know the teachers and enjoy them in an environment that is so enjoyable! We are so grateful that all of you are there and able to experience the love of the children and teachers, and you to share your love with them!
    Enjoy your time at Fig Tree and enjoy time with Patrick!
    Can't wait to hear about all the animals you see!

  3. That was one of my most treasured memories from last year. I wish I were there. Tell Patrick hello.

  4. I think having dinner with the teachers helped you guys to have one on one conversation and get a better perspective of individual analysis about their daily lives and the childrens' wellbeing and also their trials and tribulations in overall explicity. So far there has not been any incident of derange which shows better planning. Keep up the good work.....Tell Patrick I said hello.........

    Esther Kinuthia

    Esther Kinuthia
